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East Capital Explorer Licensing AB - Org.nummer: 5566783006. Fördelningen i styrelsen är 100,0 % män (1), 0,0 % kvinnor (0) . Ansvarig är Magnus Lekander 49 år. På Ratsit hittar du Telefonnummer Adress Årsredovisning m.m.
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East Capital East Capital Graphic. East Capital. Financial Services Real Estate. Tallinn, Harjumaa. EfTEN Capital AS EfTEN Capital AS Graphic 21 Mar 2018 SKOPJE (Macedonia), March 21 (SeeNews) - Macedonia's Komercijalna Banka [ MSE:KMB] said on Wednesday that East Capital Explorer Eight years of successful investments in Eastern Europe Olle img. img 4.
East Capital Explorer Licensing AB - Varumärken - Allabolag
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Investmentbolag East Capital Explorer redovisar ett resultat efter skatt på 2,7 miljoner euro för det första kvartalet 2017. Resultatet per aktie uppgick till 0:11 euro (-0:01). East Capital Explorer Licensing AB - Org.nummer: 5566783006. Fördelningen i styrelsen är 100,0 % män (1), 0,0 % kvinnor (0) .
Before the divestment, East Capital Explorer AB holds 3.6% of TEO LT's shares. In his new position Gert Tiivas will be responsible for developing East Capital's Private Equity investment business in the Baltic countries. Gert Tiivas, CEO East Capital Explorer, said: "I would like to thank the Board, and the shareholders, for the opportunity to work at East Capital Explorer during these exciting years. of outstanding shares in East Capital Explorer, inclEast Capital Explorer AB hereby reports that the Company, in accordance with the decision of the Board regarding the utilization of the authorization to repurchase own shares as announced on 7 August 2012, has repurchased 29,727 shares between 8 and 10 August 2012 at an average price of SEK 48.69 per share. East Capital Explorer AB - Interim Report 1 January - 30 June 2012 2012-08-07 07:01 Net asset value (NAV) per share on 30 June 2012 amounted to EUR 8.60 (EUR 10.97). East Capital Explorer AB (publ) is a Swedish investment company, created with the specific aim of bringing unique investment opportunities in Eastern Europe to a broader investor base.
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As a result of the previously announced deal with Swedfund International AB, a subsidiary of East Capital Explorer intends to make a mandatory offer to buy out the remaining shares in Melon Fashion Group (MFG), the unlisted Russian fashion retailer with 550 shops in Russia and Ukraine, from its non-affiliates. The initial investment of EUR 8.9m in TEO LT was made in October 2009 as the Investment Manager, East Capital, identified an opportunity to acquire shares in a company with a solid track record and strong profitability. Additional investments have been made along the way which has brought the total investment amount to EUR 16.4m. Before the divestment, East Capital Explorer AB holds 3.6% of TEO LT's shares.
East Capital har idag tillkännagivit att kapitalanskaffningen på 150 miljoner EUR till Capital Explorer Financial Institutions Fund är genomförd, vilket ger fonden totalt 500 miljoner EUR i
East Capital Explorers valberedning föreslår till årsstämman 2015 att styrelsen omfattar sex ledamöter och föreslår omval av Peter Elam Håkansson, Lars O
Discover historical prices for ECEX.ST?LTR=1 stock on Yahoo Finance. View daily, weekly or monthly format back to when East Capital Explorer AB stock was
20 maj 2016 East Capital Explorer #Sitdown. Watch later.
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East Capital Explorer AB
Discover historical prices for ECEX.ST stock on Yahoo Finance. View daily, weekly or monthly format back to when East Capital Explorer AB stock was issued. East Capital Explorer AB (publ) is a Swedish investment company, created with the specific aim of bringing unique investment opportunities in Eastern Europe to a broader investor base. East Capital Explorer has sold its stake in Populi, one of the largest privately held food retail chains in Georgia, to Ioli Supermarkets Ltd, a local market participant.
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East Capital Explorer – Privata Affärer
Mia Jurke, VD East Capital Explorer, säger: "Styrelsen har återigen bekräftat sin tilltro till bolagets investeringsportfölj och dess potential för värdetillväxt och har därmed beslutat att utnyttja det återköpsmandat som erhölls av Årsstämman. East Capital Explorer (ECEX): Förnyat återköpsmandat mellan 1 januari och 31 mars 2017 fre, dec 23, 2016 08:00 CET. Såsom offentliggjordes den 10 juni 2016 har styrelsen i East Capital Explorer AB (publ) beslutat att genomföra ett återköpsprogram av bolagets egna aktier så länge som aktien handlas med en rabatt över 20 procent mot senast publicerade substansvärde i SEK. 2. East Capital AB ska betala en straffavgift på två miljoner trehundratusen (2 300 000) kronor. (25 kap. 8-9 §§ lagen [2007:528] om värdepappersmarknaden) Beslutet kan överklagas, se .