Related Topics REFERENDUM 2021 - PETIČNÝ HÁROK 📄 # IdemeDoTohoPlnouSilou 🍀 Milí priatelia, dostávame od vás množstvo otázok ohľadom podpisových hárkov, ktoré chcete podpísať a hneď doručiť. 1️⃣ Podpisový “referendový” hárok si môžete stiahnuť z webu stany SMER - SD, ideálne do počítača: Public Safety Referendum tschmidt 2021-03-29T11:35:02-05:00 PUBLIC SAFETY REFERENDUM The City of Fond du Lac has identified a need to add additional public safety personnel to the Police Department and Fire Rescue . On March 16, 2021 the Town of South Windsor will conduct a referendum concerning the question set forth below. Pursuant to the Town Council’s authorization of February 1, 2021 this explanatory text describes the proposed project to replace the roof system at Timothy Edwards Middle School, 100 Arnold Way. 2021-01-22 · Oak Park's village board was split across ideological and gender lines during its heated, emotional and, at times, tearful discussion on Jan. 19 of whether to include on the April 6 ballot a non 2021-04-07 · Here are the results for Wausau-area races in the April 6, 2021 election. Winners are in bold.
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Sügisel asutakse ette valmistama abieluteemalist referendumit, mis kava kohaselt viiakse läbi 2021. aastal koos kohalike omavalitsuste valimistega. Mis on selle referendumi laiemad tagamaad, kirjutab ajaloolane ja poliitik Jaak Valge (EKRE). An opinion poll published in January 2021 showed 63% of voters in favour of the proposed ban on full facial covering, also referred to as a "burqa ban". Federal Act on Electronic Identification Services. The referendum would establish a Federal E-ID Commission that would oversee issuance of a nationwide electronic ID to residents.
feb. 2021 Väčšina našich čitateľov má silné sociálne cítenie a hlási sa k zdravému vlastenectvu. Čakajú nás zásadné politické udalosti - referendum o 9. feb.
Mis on selle referendumi laiemad tagamaad, kirjutab ajaloolane ja poliitik Jaak Valge (EKRE). An opinion poll published in January 2021 showed 63% of voters in favour of the proposed ban on full facial covering, also referred to as a "burqa ban". Federal Act on Electronic Identification Services. The referendum would establish a Federal E-ID Commission that would oversee issuance of a nationwide electronic ID to residents. 2021-04-11 · Kyrgyzstan voters back presidential rule in referendum. Preliminary results show strong majority support reforms handing greater powers to the presidency, amid a low turnout.
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2021-04-02 2021-04-10 2021-03-09 2021-03-13 2 days ago 2021-01-19 2021-03-31 The 2021 Taiwanese referendum is a four question referendum that will take place on 28 August 2021. All four questions are popular initiative.According to the Referendum Act of Taiwan, referendums can be held once every two years on the fourth Saturday of August and questions must gather signatures equivalent to 1.5% of eligible voters (280,000) in order to qualify. 2021-02-11 Mesiace trvajúci chaos, cielené kroky vlády proti pracujúcim, tisíce ľudí a živnostníkov, ktorým dochádzajú už aj posledné peniaze zo železnej rezervy. To 2021-03-31 At the Randall School Board of Education meeting on January 20 th, the motion for an operational referendum passed unanimously.The motion stated that Randall School would present a referendum to their voting public, which includes the Village of Twin Lakes and Town of Randall, on Tuesday, April 6th, 2021 for their support on the operational referendum question.
V prípade akýchkoľvek otázok kontaktujte: Kvetoslava Hejbalová - predsedníčka OO SMER-SD - 0903443837. Zuzana Plevíková - okresná administrátorka - 0911363811
If the referendum passes in April 2021, the design will take place over the next six months, public bidding of all projects in the winter of 2022, and construction starting spring of 2022.
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Petícia za otvorenie dialógu o parkovacej situácii v Martine a pozastavenie aktuálnej úpravy platnej od 01.05.2021. Touto iniciatívou vyzývame vedenie mesta Martin, zástupcovov spoločnosti Turiec as a poslancov mestského zastupiteľstva na predstavenie koncepcie parkovacej politiky,ako aj začatie rozsiahlej diskusie s občanmi a zapracovanie kompromisnych návrhov,a to postupným Petičný výbor za vyhlásenie referenda schválil znenie referendovej otázky o predčasných voľbách, podpisové hárky sú zverejnené na stránke